In this segment, learn about Anzie and her children Joanna & Jaclyn, and how the beloved Montreal-born jewelry line started out as a means of raising funds for research for a sick husband and father. Let's take a closer look into their lives which happens to include a lot of creativity, family values, and quality time with their adorable rescue dogs.

We started designing jewelry as a hobby for ourselves. When Barry, [my] husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 1996, the family decided to create a collection of jewelry to raise funds for research and awareness for the cause. We fell in love with all of the coloured gemstones and then expanded the collection to include fine jewelry in addition to the Lifesaver Bracelets, which are dedicated to supporting non profit organizations.
Our family has a background in Fine art and painting so it was a natural progression for us to be in the art, fashion and jewelry world. We still enjoy painting and incorporate our artwork in our marketing and design.
2. Do you have any specific piece or collection you are particularly proud of?
We love the Aztec medallions. They are pieces with solid weight in gold, silver and diamonds and they are timeless. Starbursts and stars really attract us and these pieces sparkle yet they can be worn for any occasion. They are special pieces that stand out and make a statement.
3. Tell us about yourself!
[We] grew up in Montreal. We loved the lifestyle there and we were an artistic family. We spent a lot of time doing art including painting, sculpting, and making jewelry as a hobby. We were also an active family; we enjoyed skiing, tennis and swimming. We now live in different cities, Jaclyn and her family in New York, [myself] and [my] other children, Joanna and Robert as well as their families continue to live in Montreal.
We love
dogs! We have three Portuguese water dogs and a chihuahua corgi mix
in our family - Kramer, Patch, Gus and Trooper - three of which are rescues.
Patch, Kramer, and Gus all work at the Montreal head office with us :)
4. What do you like to do for fun? What hobbies do you have?
We love
our dogs so much that we have created paw charms as part of our collection. We
are all very active and love spending time outside.
[I[ create jewelry by hand for fun and loves golfing. Jaclyn
sketches, paints and draws the designs by hand and loves the outdoors. Joanna
cooks and loves spending time up north and going for walks with the dogs.
Jaclyn and Joanna's young children (Anzie's grandchildren) keep
us busy as well as entertained.
5. What is your favourite song at the moment?
Jaclyn: Ed Sheeran - Shape of You
Joanna: Zayn - I don't want to live forever
Anzie: Bruno mars - 24k Magic
6. What are three must-have pieces in your wardrobe that you can’t get
enough of at the moment?
Anzie: From Anzie - TURQUOISE! Starburst Medallion necklace, monogram disk pendant, mini turquoise starburst necklace
Equipment shirts, colourful shoes and Hermes scarf
Jaclyn:From Anzie - Milly multicoloured
necklace, Moonstone Marine drop earrings, Moonstone Twist ring
Flannel shirts - Rails, Silk shirts -
Equipment, Moonboots from Browns
Joanna: From Anzie - Turquoise and diamonds Evil
eye royale disk necklace, double starburst ear cuff, moonstone stackable
Lululemon leggings, frye boots & Koie blouse
7. What’s a fun fact not many people may not know
about you?
Thanks for sharing with us Anzie, Joanna, & Jaclyn. We are continuously floored by your attention to detail and showcasing your talent and love for design in the brightest light. We look forward to seeing more of your pieces in the future!
To check out what Yu Fashion has in store & online for Anzie Jewelry visit:
To check out what Yu Fashion has in store & online for Anzie Jewelry visit:
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